Legal Notice / Disclaimer

Information in accordance with Section 5 TMG

ICBMRBS 2026 Coordination Office
Biozentrum / University of Basel
Spitalstrasse 41
CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland

Contact Information
Phone: +41 61 207 21 01

The ICMRBS 2026 maintains this website to enhance public access to information about its initiatives and activities. Our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them. However, the ICMRBS 2026 accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information on this site.

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This disclaimer is not intended to limit the liability of the Commission in contravention of any requirements laid down in applicable national law nor to exclude its liability for matters which may not be excluded under that law.

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The European Union is committed to user privacy. The privacy policy covers the European Union’s websites within the domain.

Privacy policy

© ICMRBS 2026 Office

The Commission’s reuse policy is implemented by the Commission Decision of 12 December 2011 on the reuse of Commission documents.

Unless otherwise indicated (e.g. in individual copyright notices), content owned by the EU on this website is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence. This means that reuse is allowed, provided appropriate credit is given and changes are indicated.

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Created by Alexandra Polyakova

Header/Key visual

Adapted from Destination Davos Klosters. Developed by Alexandra Polyakova


1 Davos Congress
2 Davos Congress
3 Destination Davos Klosters
4 Davos Congress
5 Davos Congress»

Congress center

From top right to bottom right

1 Shutterstock / andreas_naegeli
2 Davos Congress / Stefano Candito
3 Destination Davos Klosters / Andri Flury

Location Davos

From top left to bottom right

1 Shutterstock / Ganz Twins
2 Unsplash / Damian Markott
3 Destination Davos Klosters / Stephan Schlumpf
4 Destination Davos Klosters / Marcel Giger
5 Shutterstock / Anastasia Kamysheva
6 Destination Davos Klosters / Martin Bissig
7 Unsplash / Damian Markott
8 Destination Davos Klosters / Marcel Giger
9 Shutterstock / stockcreations


Committee: Destination Davos Klosters / Marcel Giger
Registration: Destination Davos Klosters / Marcel Giger
Program: Davos Congress
Call for Abstracts: Destination Davos Klosters / Marcel Giger
Sponsorship: Destination Davos Klosters
Awards: Destination Davos Klosters / Marcel Giger
Travel Guide: Destination Davos Klosters / Dan Patitucci
Contact: Destination Davos Klosters / Christof Boner

Davos Congress Imagefilm

Davos Congress


Design specifications: ICMRBS 2026 organisation team

Technical implementation and template development:
KLIMEK WEB/PRINT/BRAND, Braunschweig (Germany) –